Div. 6 – K. Mead

Kathy Mead has been teaching grades 1, 2 and 3 at Strawberry Vale for the past 6 years. She has a Bachelor of Education degree, with a concentration in music, and spent the first five years of her career working at the HR MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver developing educational programs and delivering teacher professional development workshops around the province. Since starting in the Victoria School District thirteen years ago, she has taught music and grades one through seven.

Contact: Kathy Mead kmead@shaw.ca

Websites that we often use in class:

Click on “Find a List” then enter “lsheffer” and “username”. Click on “Mrs. Mead” and all the lists will appear.


Tumblebooks: http://www.tumblebooks.com/library/asp/customer_login.asp
Username: svale
Password: books
