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Soccer Jamboree

Grade 4/5 students who signed up for the soccer team will be participating in the Soccer Jamboree on October 26th from 12:00-2:30 pm at Hampton Park (Gorge Soccer).    Game times and schedule TBA.

Monster Ball

Mark your calendars!  The Monster Ball is fast approaching on Friday, October 27th from 6-8pm.  Doors will open at 5:45pm.  There will be a suggested donation at the door of $2 or a non-perishable food item.  50% of door sales and the non-perishable food items will be donated to a local charity. There will... Read more

PAC Meeting

Everyone welcome!   Meeting will be held in the music room.

PAC Fun Lunch

PAC Fun Lunch Order Information We are pleased to share that our first fun lunch for those who wish to participate is happening on Friday, November 24th.  We will be having pizza from Ali Baba.  Pizza is sold by the slice.  Ali Baba is going to cut each large pizza into slices... Read more

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